Healthy Spinach & Banana Blender Muffins

I have been using this recipe for YEARS now and my kids absolutely devour these within a day! Now, this recipe is not my own, but when I went to find it to share with my email subscribers, I could not locate the original on the internet.… Continue reading

Christmas 2022: Kid’s Gift + Stocking Stuffer Ideas

It’s that time again… Christmas shopping for four children (aged 4 to 10) who don’t usually ask for anything specifically. While that sounds nice, it actually makes it really difficult to make decisions about what to get when it comes to Christmas gifts.… Continue reading

Kid’s Lunches: What My Kids Ate in a Week

Kids are funny, huh? One day they are eating 6 oranges in a sitting, and the next they say they’ve never liked them. Just leaves you scratching your head a bit. Despite kids and their fickle food fancies, there comes the daily task of feeding them 3 meals a day and sometimes the snacks in between.… Continue reading

We Are Debt Free: Now What?

On September 4, 2020 we made our last payment after working about 11 years paying off close to probably $180,000! You can read more about that journey in detail here. Now that we’ve reached this milestone we are looking toward the next step.… Continue reading

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