Experience the World: An Early Learning Travel Themed Pack


This 24-paged travel themed early learning pack is full of fun math and literacy activities, as well as a few logic experiences! These activities will engage your early learner and inspire a love of travel and experiencing the world around them! You can see this pack in action here!

You can also check out my Why We Travel: A Copy Work Collection digital download. Travel-themed quotes and designed prints for copy work exercises in your homeschool!

See the full description below for activities included!

Recommended for ages 3-6.

If your family is anything like ours, we get so much out of experiencing different countries, even if we don’t get to physically visit all the time. Engaging with other cultures and countries can be such an eye opening experience for the whole family! Empathy, compassion, and  understanding are all qualities that will surely grow when one takes the time to travel and see outside their own world.

This 24-paged travel themed early learning pack is full of fun math and literacy activities, as well as a few logic experiences! These activities will engage your early learner and inspire a love of travel and experiencing the world around them!

  • Math activities include: Counting and matching, simple addition and subtraction, size and number comparison exercises, skip counting, clip cards, and sorting!
  • Literacy activities include: Letter sound matching, beginning, ending, and vowel sound practice, find and listen for the sound activities, and some general motor skill exercises.
  • Logic activities include: Story sequencing, riddles, and decision making exercises.

This early learning pack can be used again and again to reinforce all of the concepts covered. Many activities have multiple uses for engaging with the material presented. You can see this pack in action here!

Recommended for ages 3-6.

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Experience the World: An Early Learning Travel Themed Pack
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